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technology- intensive product中文是什么意思

用"technology- intensive product"造句"technology- intensive product"怎么读"technology- intensive product" in a sentence


  • 技术密集产品


  • There are far mare labor - intensive and capital - intensive products than knowledge - intensive and technology - intensive products among manufactured goods
  • The developed countries are rich in skilled work force and capital resources , so they can concentrate on producing many technology - intensive products such as computers , aircrafts , and so on
  • Application of high - techs the company persists on the concept of strategic development that centers on human - orientation and growth through science and technology , and continuing its efforts to developing technology - intensive products to attain sustainable development
  • The third chapter points out the problems that lie in our country ' s foreign trade structure from primary products , industrial finished products and service trade . and calculates the compete power of our country which shows that we have export advantage in labor - intensive products and export disadvantage in capital and technology - intensive products . the fourth chapter raises idiographic strategies on how to optimize and adjust foreign trade merchandise structure
  • According to traditional trade theory , international trade should be based on comparative advantages and factor endowments . that is to say , developing countries should export labor - intensive products or resources - intensive products , and import capital - intensive products or technology - intensive products in the same time . so generally speaking , the similarities between countries would have reverse relation with trade volumes
用"technology- intensive product"造句  
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